Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dell Inspiron 1501

Okay, I didn't mind my Dell laptop before. I mean, its a laptop, cool. Nothing fancy, kinda pretty. I was happy with my purchase..... Until now *cue evil music*
It has been less than a year, and my battery is dieing. -_-; before it lasted for an average of 2 hours and then BAM! WHOP! FWOOSH! my computer got its assed kicked. lol. In the space of one day and (no I'm not exagerrating) it has gone down to 1 hour. And its been about 2 weeks and turning down all the screen and doing the bare minimum will give me barely an hour of battery life. I looked up how much it would cost to buy another battery and there is no way in hell that I am buying a $129 battery for a $600 laptop (now $500 on dell.com!) So I'm thinking that I'm going to shop around for a better laptop. The macs look REALLY cute so I might look at that, or maybe an hp. Any suggestions? And I think I'm going to concentrate on how long the battery lasts now instead of the price! lol.

"Don't let disappointment stop you from your goal. Accept it, move on, and squash it like a bug." Anonymous

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1 comment:

DellCAJohn said...

John here, customer advocate at Dell headquarters. My suggestion is to claim a new battery from me under warranty. Our batteries are covered for a year, and losing half of its charge capacity within 1 year is definitely in the "failure territory".

Feel free to contact me:

ATTN: John