Thursday, May 10, 2007

google analytics

Well, google analytics is this thingy that you put in your site thingy... Well I'm not here to talk about the mechanics lol. It keeps track of how many people visit your site, how long, where they come from, and a lot more that I haven't really looked at yet. I'm not sure if it's only for blogs or if it can be used on other websites but I didn't really care. Isn't it weird what a revamp will do? Before I was all 'bleh' pie charts, percentages, yuck. but now it looks majorly cute. Much nicer and... just more modern. So yeah, I like it a lot now... I guess I'm fickle like that? lol.



Jen said...

I liked the old pie charts, myself. But I'm geeky that way.

I think you can put it on any website with fields that will accept their urchin tracker script thingy.

Droid116 said...

I also don't like the new interface as much as the old. In particular, I can't find the break down of time of day visits.