Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Word Sucks

I love word as much as the average "I've only used the Word program for... hmmmm... ALL MY TYPING NEEDS!" person but Oh My God. Is there some kind of trick to it when your trying to make a word document into an HTML? I don't know, maybe someone can explain the trick because it kept flying over my head. Maybe I'm just dense like that? Or stupid. Anyway the title of this blog was just me venting out my frustrations. I finally broke down and put it in notepad, saved as first.html, pushed save and bam! There it was. What... the... hell. I guess that's what I get for being a Word snob, but NO MORE! I will be more open to... the other applications.

"People are very open-minded about new things - as long as they're exactly like the old ones."
Charles Kettering


1 comment:

♥ Kayla [[C.]] Hinrichsen♥ said...

Hey.. I totally agree with you I hate word I counldn't figure it out untill you showed me how to do after I transfered it from wordpad to word... Thanks