Saturday, April 14, 2007

New Slate?

I open up my mozilla browser to yahoo and low and behold. Their thinking of remaking the Internet! Something that has been around forever, something my sister has been born into, might be changed! I mean the Internet has always been changing, but that was it's content not the underlying structure of it! But the article makes a convincing argument. It says that the Internet just doesn't fit into what we want now. There were things added on to make it work as the years went by but it just made the Internet more complex. Instead of just ignoring the problems and finding ways around them they want to make a new Internet that will either run parallel with this Internet or replace our beloved Internet. I'm just wondering if this 'new and improved' Internet will be available for everyone though. Will a company make amazing breakthroughs and then sell access to this better version?

Here's the article if you want to read it.


‘Keep constantly in mind in how many things you yourself have witnessed changes already. The universe is change, life is understanding.’

— Marcus Aurelius

Random icon of the day...

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♥ Kayla [[C.]] Hinrichsen♥ said...

okay well thats kinda a wierd article I don't think that it will totally happen... But I really love your little quotes at the end of your blogs... your icon of the day is funny.. I might have to copy that!!!=)

Droid116 said...

This article is a great find. We should discuss some of this in class. The very foundation of the argument, why the internet needs replacing, says as much about what the internet is today as our discussion of protocols and networks.