Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wow I haven't posted anything in a long time lol

I just realized that I haven't posted anything in a REALLY long time! lol

Well, that's it... just kidding! lol

Well I'm now officially a Senator at UWT! Why you might ask, since I had never been in student government before? You know, I volunteered in the Student Technology Fee Committee approving and denying technology for students on campus, and while it was a lot of hard work and a LOT of time (it came down to 3 hour meetings every Friday and one Friday meeting that took 5...6?..7?...its blurry lol) it was very rewarding. I love knowing more about the school, I love knowing that the free print stations were funded by the students and I contributed to that continuing on for another school year. I loved knowing that I wasn't just going to class, doing homework, that I was doing something productive with my time. Hopefully I can make a difference in the one year that I'll be Senator, keep my A and B average, keep my GPA firmly at 3.6 and above, be able to still be in Hip Hop Dance Crew and GreyHat, keep up with Chinese (hopefully that's not a losing battle, I love the language so much!), and study study study. Oh and lets not forget internships and the like, GAH! (I almost forgot lol) But you know, I think learning to juggle all of my hopes, wants, desires, dreams, disappointments, is what being in college is all about.

Wow. I missed blogging! lol Oh, and ASUWT (my student government) wants me, the only Computer Software Systems Senator of the bunch to start a Wordpress for... actually I'm not sure why they want a blogging server... hmmm. lol That should be fun because I've never done ANYTHING with MYSQL (except in Java and that was... educational), APACHE, or PHP. But hey! I work at a library and I've learned that there are so many resources out there if people would only LOOK that can help you in any endeavor so... I ordered some books :)

“I saw a star, I reached for it, and I missed. So I accepted the sky.”
Scott Fortini

missing you Pictures, Images and Photos


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