Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Freshman class of UWT (TCORE101)

Well, I just realized that maybe I should have chronicled the momentous event of being part of the first UWT freshman class... okay you got me, I was bored. XD For those who don't know UWT is the University of Washington in Tacoma. Its a relatively small campus that, I think, will only get larger. Pros of the campus: The teachers that I've had so far are awesome! Always willing to help, i.e. "E-mail me if you have problems, stop by my office anytime here are my office hours". The classes are small so the teacher knows your name (which is a double edged sword most of the time)! Now that I've experienced smaller classes I can't imagine my college experience being any other way. The library is awesome (Not just saying that because I work there... lol), and there are so many things to help you succeed. I mean, this place REALLY wants you to do well. O_O Cons: Well I can see that parking will become an issue sooner or later, I mean the Tacoma dome can only handle so much! There's no dormitories (though I heard we might get some) so its mostly a commuter campus. But otherwise I am sincerely grateful that I've gotten into this school! It was mostly a fluke, I just searched for a college closest to my house and applied to it. lol. (There's probably more pros and cons but... what can I say? I'm lazy. *shrugs*)

Anyway my first core class was TCORE101. It was a humanities and writing course with an overall theme of self and landscape. Yeah, I know, mass confusion. But it was definitely a different experience. I guess I see it as high school being about the books with no self reflection, and college applying what your learning to yourself. This class was a joint writing and art class. The writing was okay, nothing new for me or anyone who took AP English classes. Analyzing literature and whatnot. The only really new assignment would be when we had to write a paper analyzing a passage against a picture. That was something I had NEVER done before in writing. But the art! OMG the ART!! lol. I have never had to take an art class like that. Instead of 'hey draw this' the professor was like 'draw something that represents you'. And it wasn't just drawing, it could be painting, performing, anything that was considered art. I even made a miniature carving of my furniture (too long of a story to explain here but I got a good grade!). I consider that class to be my first 'real' art class.
Anyway that was my first core class, though they probably tweaked the core classes since the first freshman class were the poor unsuspecting guinea pigs...

Oh, funny thing. First day of core class we had to make big white kindergarten looking name tags to wear. Yeah, embarrassing. Like a humongous sign saying 'WE'RE THE FIRST FRESHMAN OF UWT AND CAN'T REMEMBER EACH OTHERS NAMES!!'. Didn't really help me feel like a mature college student.

It is not easy to be a pioneer - but oh, it is fascinating! I would not trade one moment, even the worst moment, for all the riches in the world.
Elizabeth Blackwell



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