Sunday, July 5, 2009

ice age 3 in 3d


What to say about Ice Age 3 whatever the rest of the title is? Uuuummm... did not like it that much. And neither did my 11 year old sister. Even the lure of 3d and having things pop up from the screen occasionally didn't REALLY help any. There were some laugh out loud parts... okay there was one for me, but honestly the jokes kinda fell flat though the story line wasn't sooo bad. it wasn't really heart tugging, it was kind of cute, and it was a little funny. All in all I say wait for it to come out in DVD/blueray and do NOT watch it in 3d...

I couldn't find a quote that expressed it so I'm just gonna quote myself

"What the hell. That movie sucked"
Lynetta Gray quote lol

Epic Fail Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wow I haven't posted anything in a long time lol

I just realized that I haven't posted anything in a REALLY long time! lol

Well, that's it... just kidding! lol

Well I'm now officially a Senator at UWT! Why you might ask, since I had never been in student government before? You know, I volunteered in the Student Technology Fee Committee approving and denying technology for students on campus, and while it was a lot of hard work and a LOT of time (it came down to 3 hour meetings every Friday and one Friday meeting that took 5...6?..7?...its blurry lol) it was very rewarding. I love knowing more about the school, I love knowing that the free print stations were funded by the students and I contributed to that continuing on for another school year. I loved knowing that I wasn't just going to class, doing homework, that I was doing something productive with my time. Hopefully I can make a difference in the one year that I'll be Senator, keep my A and B average, keep my GPA firmly at 3.6 and above, be able to still be in Hip Hop Dance Crew and GreyHat, keep up with Chinese (hopefully that's not a losing battle, I love the language so much!), and study study study. Oh and lets not forget internships and the like, GAH! (I almost forgot lol) But you know, I think learning to juggle all of my hopes, wants, desires, dreams, disappointments, is what being in college is all about.

Wow. I missed blogging! lol Oh, and ASUWT (my student government) wants me, the only Computer Software Systems Senator of the bunch to start a Wordpress for... actually I'm not sure why they want a blogging server... hmmm. lol That should be fun because I've never done ANYTHING with MYSQL (except in Java and that was... educational), APACHE, or PHP. But hey! I work at a library and I've learned that there are so many resources out there if people would only LOOK that can help you in any endeavor so... I ordered some books :)

“I saw a star, I reached for it, and I missed. So I accepted the sky.”
Scott Fortini

missing you Pictures, Images and Photos
