Yes, I know. The name suggests something ridiculous! At first my reaction was "this has to be some kind of joke" and then my next reaction was "okay I'm going to read this for laughs" but this is a legit activist group that is trying to make the world a better place ( I know I'm corny -_-;...). Their rallying point? Harry Potter. I still can't type that with a straight face. It just seems a little... absurd... to rally behind a children's book, but whatever helps save the world right? But I really do applaud the people in the group for actually standing up for what they believe in. I just wonder sometimes if they ever get negative reactions because of their name? I mean, Harry Potter is not associated with social activism and world problems... What I thought was REALLY cool, is that this whole thing started online (at least thats what I gleamed from the article...). (Another example of an online community professor fry!) And it is continued online. But I'll let you decide for yourself what you think of this new group...
Muggle Alliance
Official alliance site... (I think lol)
Another perspective and background on alliance and creator
There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. -- Elie Wiesel